As the world’s most-followed TikToker, Khaby Lame, revealed the salary he receives on a daily basis, it’s safe to say that it’s a salary that is meant for a king of the internet.

Khaby Lame, a 22-year-old content creator, surpassed Charli D’Amelio as the most followed creator on Twitter with 149.5 million followers in June, as reported by the New York Post.

As a content creator, Lame earns money by creating online content which is based on brand deals. It was mentioned in an exclusive interview with Fortune that he can earn up to $750,000 (roughly Rs. 17.5 crores) per clip in an exclusive interview. His earnings are expected to reach $10 million by 2022, which is a significant amount of money.

Almost all influencers reach a point in their careers where they have endorsed and supported a number of brands as well as received a flat fee for these structures, but as their careers progress, they start to want a bit more incentive, or upside, from these relationships.” According to Raina Penchansky, CEO and founder of Digital Brand Architects, influencer managers are looking to maximize these relationships.

“That’s when we start to focus more on how we can get them involved in more meaningful relationships with companies or around companies they want to start and how they can get into deeper relationships with them.”